Today's Q&A is hosted by Bill Walden, senior pastor at Calvary Chapel Vallejo, California. The main question today is Is modern worship biblical? Then Bill answered the following questions that came in through our live chat: How do I discern theologically within the different worship music options? What advice would you give a musician yourself? How do we overcome the disapproval one generation has when looking at the worship style of the next? What about smoke & lights during worship every Sunday? Is the story of the rich man and Lazarus in the gospel of Luke true or just a parable? Can a Christian be friends with an openly gay person? If we have become the righteousness of God, is it still accurate for a believer to identify themself as a sinner? How often should a church partake of the Lord’s supper? Which chapter and verse proves that Jesus is the son of God? Where did the giants of Numbers 13,32-33 come from?

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